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SLA regularly offers webinars via Zoom as a way to provide professional development without the traditional barriers of cost, travel, or large time requirements. Webinars are always free for SLA members, both individual and institutional.

As SLA hosts these webinars, registration details will be made available on this page. Check back often for the latest updates!

Two people climb up stairs, with the one higher on the stairs pulling up the one below them, as they strive to reach a star above them both.Unstuck in the Middle: Lessons for Leading Up, Down, and Across in a Library

Date: april 16, 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Presenter: mark black and panelists
Cost: Free for all sla members; $25 for non-members

This panel discussion webinar features library leaders in various stages of their career as they discuss the importance of showing leadership while operating in the middle of their organization. This webinar will serve as a how-to and what not to do, looking at the lessons the panelists have learned throughout their careers. The panel will examine how you can expand leadership qualities in your team, how you can help your department navigate through institutional structures and procedures without going rogue, and how you can move your team through difficult situations.

This webinar will feature several panelists led by Mark Black. Mark is the Branch Manager at Regina Public Library’s Central branch and is interested in the areas of barrier-free library service.

This webinar will be held via Zoom and is free for all SLA members, both individual and institutional, and costs $25 for non-members. Not sure if you’re a member? Check with your employer! If they have an institutional membership, you are covered under that.

Register Now


January – Fundraising 101 presented by Kathleen Crowther of DCG Philanthropic Services

February Professional Ethics & Political Realities: Responding to Intellectual Freedom Challenges in Public Libraries presented by Michael Dudley and Sharon Day

MarchPresenting Accessibly: Strategies for Creating Accessible Conference Presentations presented by Riane LaPaire from the National Network for Equitable Library Service


JanuaryLet’s Share a Story presented by Saskatchewan Literacy Network

FebruaryUp for the Challenge on Censorship Issues presented by Richard Beaudry

AprilCraft Your Personal Land Acknowledgement presented by David A. Robertson

September Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: 2SLGBTQ Inclusion in the Library and Workplace Community presented by Wendy Li

November – Understanding Our Changing Copyright Landscape presented by Kate Langrell and Christina Winter